I understand if this year's SLCC in Chicago is just too far away for you to attend, I really do. That's no excuse, however, for not catching the show.
Those of you with Second Life accounts can attend one of the various in-world venues that will be live streaming the audio. I and the rest of the band (the Music Monkeys) will be logged into SL whilst we are playing so you will be virtually there. If the many sims are full, lagged or if you simply have something else to do in-world then you can stream the audio to your parcel: http://social.phreak-radio.com.
What? You don't have any land? No problem: I'm setting my Tyta parcel to the stream before I leave so that you can stop by the ole duck pond (yes, it truly is a duck pond) and enjoy some SL wildlife along with the tunes.
Those of you that are technologically impaired or have chosen to avoid getting a Second Life for whatever reason don't need to feel left out either. Well, OK, you can feel left out but you can still listen in by entering the following into WinAmp, I-Tunes or another stream reader:
And lastly, those of you who truly have NO IDEA what the hell I am talking about need to get a life....
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