This blog is no longer in service. Actually, it hasn't been since the end of 2008. But you can go over to the new blog which started in 2013 and see what's going on... check out:
Niko Donburi is best known for his parodies about the thriving virtual world known as Second Life. His lyrics depend largely on satirizing issues and aspects of Second Life--be it grey goo, Linden Lab, furries, or virtual romance.
Niko's parodies about Second Life are well known through out the SL community and were a staple of SecondCast, SL Under the Radar and other popular Second Life podcasts during the peak years of SL . Niko was a featured performer at the 2007 Second Live Community Convention in Chicago, Illinois, and he still holds the record for the largest virtual live music concert ever held in Second Life at 400+ separate sims.
Niko's music is frequently heard in the clubs of Second Life, with old skool virtual deejays keeping songs such as Dear Linden, Dear Linden, It's the End of the World as we know it (in Second Life), and My Favorite Things (About Second Life) in rotation. It's been said that if you really want to know the history of Second Life, all you need to do is listen to Niko's songs.
44 lines about 22 Lindens - I got to wondering one day about who these Lindens really are and what do they actually do... (parody of "88 Lines about 44 Women" by The Nails)
Escape (The Second Life Song) - Looking for love in SL? Best be careful your spouse doesn't find out... (parody of "Escape (the Pina Colada Song)" by Rupert Holmes.)
Wastin' Away in Second Life- An ode to the greatest time sink ever created... (parody of "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett)
Living Virtually - What keeps bringing people back to Second Life are not the graphics, the ability to create your own content or any other technological feat. It is the people. (original).
Not all of my Second Life songs are parodies. Here are machinima for five of them that are not....
One of my most popular songs, this parody of the Cheech & Chong classic summarizes the Second Life experience quite nicely. It's annotated to explain what I'm actually singing about!
As amazing as Second Life is, it's the people behind the avatar that make it all worth while. This song is my way of thanking all those who have been my virtual friends...
As many of you know, Second Life allows you to reach a level of intimacy with another person that is beyond the physical. The wall of physicality that we carry with us in the real world gets set aside, exposing our hearts and minds. Such exposure can easily lead to wounds. This song tries to answer the question of how can someone whose virtual cause so much pain that is physical? It was made by my good friend chugabug midnight during the record breaking show from liam and chrissy's barcelona sim and is dedicated to....
Whenever I would bring anyone into SL, the first place I would show them was Svarga. Svarga was the center of artificial life in Second Life. Everything in the entire sim was created to be interdependent, from the clouds to the insects to the plants. You can read more about Svarga here, at New World Notes.
But Svarga, like Niko Donburi, is now a thing of SL lore. It no longer exists. Fortunately, I had filmed a machinima exploration of the sim, which does not do it justice but at least provides a glimpse at what many consider was the most incredible thing ever created in Second Life. This is a solo guitar composition written specifically for the machinima.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not include this one of Koryo. This is a parcel long donated to me as a music creation space from my best SL friend, Elwood Abernathy. When I am not performing live in Second Life I would often plug in and play here. Since this was my first machinima, you'll note I forgot to turn off my title. If you look closely, however, you'll see that I am listed as busy. Fitting, that. I had scoured the SL vendors and included as much artificial life on the parcel as possible, including weather effects, renewing flowers, butterflies, birds, insects, and, of course, my cat.
I played the Artropolis Sim opening at the Mandel'Brats and Brew stage yesterday. Artropolis is the only artist colony in SL that supports all the arts: Art, Music, Poetry, and Theater. Esch Snoats did the building of the sim and it looks great. I think Filthy Fluno runs the place.
Before the gig I had a bit of trouble TPing into the sim as it was full. I thought I might end up ghost streaming the gig but fortunately someone got a Linden to lift the AV cap. Or perhaps someone else got booted out of SL and I happened to push the button at the right time!
A funny story: I was just getting into the set and half-way through Dear Linden, Dear Linden when Pathfinder Linden strolls in and stands right up by the stage. As best I could tell, his AV is an amphibian of some sorts. Then he hops up, only to get hit in the head by the ceiling fan. It was quite hilarious. I actually stopped playing and had to restart the song. Pathfinder has posted more photos he took over on Flickr so take a look....
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