The recent client update is causing some technical glitches which are preventing me from logging in SL. I am trying to figure out what it is, but due to the coming holidays and current economic malaise we are weathering, I'm otherwise a bit preoccupied. I am trying to spend what little free time I have playing guitar and reworking some of my SL songs. I'm also in the process of going through hours and hours of past shows and cull out particularly good versions of my non-SL songs and occasional cover.
As I find them I'll be converting them to mp3s and uploading them for your listening pleasure. I'm also posting the lyrics on the off-chance that anyone actually wants to read them.
Email me (nikodonburi @ if you want to reach me.
About Niko Donburi
Niko Donburi is best known for his parodies about the thriving virtual world known as Second Life. His lyrics depend largely on satirizing issues and aspects of Second Life--be it grey goo, Linden Lab, furries, or virtual romance.
Niko's parodies about Second Life are well known through out the SL community and were a staple of SecondCast, SL Under the Radar and other popular Second Life podcasts during the peak years of SL . Niko was a featured performer at the 2007 Second Live Community Convention in Chicago, Illinois, and he still holds the record for the largest virtual live music concert ever held in Second Life at 400+ separate sims.
Niko's music is frequently heard in the clubs of Second Life, with old skool virtual deejays keeping songs such as Dear Linden, Dear Linden, It's the End of the World as we know it (in Second Life), and My Favorite Things (About Second Life) in rotation. It's been said that if you really want to know the history of Second Life, all you need to do is listen to Niko's songs.
Niko's parodies about Second Life are well known through out the SL community and were a staple of SecondCast, SL Under the Radar and other popular Second Life podcasts during the peak years of SL . Niko was a featured performer at the 2007 Second Live Community Convention in Chicago, Illinois, and he still holds the record for the largest virtual live music concert ever held in Second Life at 400+ separate sims.
Niko's music is frequently heard in the clubs of Second Life, with old skool virtual deejays keeping songs such as Dear Linden, Dear Linden, It's the End of the World as we know it (in Second Life), and My Favorite Things (About Second Life) in rotation. It's been said that if you really want to know the history of Second Life, all you need to do is listen to Niko's songs.

The Songs
Clicking on each song title will take you to that specific song to listen to or download. All songs may be used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Lyrics are available on the left side panel.
The Linden - On the train ride back from SLCC2007 in Chicago, I ran into a Linden... (parody of "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers)
Virtual Stranger - For all those who have had their heart broken in Second Life.... (original)
My Favorite Things (about Second Life) - Pretty much self-explanatory... (parody of "My Favorite Things," the O&E classic)
Should I log in or Should I go now? - Sometimes it's no fun to be in SL... (parody of "Should I stay or should I go?" by The Clash)
Dear Linden, Dear Linden - The ultimate Second Life protest song... (parody of "Dear Abby" by John Prine)
SL Man - True stories about some of my virtual friends... (parody of "Piano Man" by Billy Joel)
It's the end of the world as we know it (in Second Life) - With every change or addition to the Grid, someone somewhere thinks it's all gonna end... (parody of "It's the End of the World as we Know it" by REM)
44 lines about 22 Lindens - I got to wondering one day about who these Lindens really are and what do they actually do... (parody of "88 Lines about 44 Women" by The Nails)
Escape (The Second Life Song) - Looking for love in SL? Best be careful your spouse doesn't find out... (parody of "Escape (the Pina Colada Song)" by Rupert Holmes.)
Wastin' Away in Second Life - An ode to the greatest time sink ever created... (parody of "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett)
Second Life (that's where I want to be)- the anthem of the addictive world of Second Life (parody of "Up in Smoke" by Cheech and Chong)
Living Virtually - What keeps bringing people back to Second Life are not the graphics, the ability to create your own content or any other technological feat. It is the people. (original).
Not all of my Second Life songs are parodies. Here are machinima for five of them that are not....
One of my most popular songs, this parody of the Cheech & Chong classic summarizes the Second Life experience quite nicely. It's annotated to explain what I'm actually singing about!
As amazing as Second Life is, it's the people behind the avatar that make it all worth while. This song is my way of thanking all those who have been my virtual friends...
As many of you know, Second Life allows you to reach a level of intimacy with another person that is beyond the physical. The wall of physicality that we carry with us in the real world gets set aside, exposing our hearts and minds. Such exposure can easily lead to wounds. This song tries to answer the question of how can someone whose virtual cause so much pain that is physical? It was made by my good friend chugabug midnight during the record breaking show from liam and chrissy's barcelona sim and is dedicated to....
Whenever I would bring anyone into SL, the first place I would show them was Svarga. Svarga was the center of artificial life in Second Life. Everything in the entire sim was created to be interdependent, from the clouds to the insects to the plants. You can read more about Svarga here, at New World Notes.
But Svarga, like Niko Donburi, is now a thing of SL lore. It no longer exists. Fortunately, I had filmed a machinima exploration of the sim, which does not do it justice but at least provides a glimpse at what many consider was the most incredible thing ever created in Second Life. This is a solo guitar composition written specifically for the machinima.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not include this one of Koryo. This is a parcel long donated to me as a music creation space from my best SL friend, Elwood Abernathy. When I am not performing live in Second Life I would often plug in and play here. Since this was my first machinima, you'll note I forgot to turn off my title. If you look closely, however, you'll see that I am listed as busy. Fitting, that. I had scoured the SL vendors and included as much artificial life on the parcel as possible, including weather effects, renewing flowers, butterflies, birds, insects, and, of course, my cat.
One of my most popular songs, this parody of the Cheech & Chong classic summarizes the Second Life experience quite nicely. It's annotated to explain what I'm actually singing about!
As amazing as Second Life is, it's the people behind the avatar that make it all worth while. This song is my way of thanking all those who have been my virtual friends...
As many of you know, Second Life allows you to reach a level of intimacy with another person that is beyond the physical. The wall of physicality that we carry with us in the real world gets set aside, exposing our hearts and minds. Such exposure can easily lead to wounds. This song tries to answer the question of how can someone whose virtual cause so much pain that is physical? It was made by my good friend chugabug midnight during the record breaking show from liam and chrissy's barcelona sim and is dedicated to....
Whenever I would bring anyone into SL, the first place I would show them was Svarga. Svarga was the center of artificial life in Second Life. Everything in the entire sim was created to be interdependent, from the clouds to the insects to the plants. You can read more about Svarga here, at New World Notes.
But Svarga, like Niko Donburi, is now a thing of SL lore. It no longer exists. Fortunately, I had filmed a machinima exploration of the sim, which does not do it justice but at least provides a glimpse at what many consider was the most incredible thing ever created in Second Life. This is a solo guitar composition written specifically for the machinima.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not include this one of Koryo. This is a parcel long donated to me as a music creation space from my best SL friend, Elwood Abernathy. When I am not performing live in Second Life I would often plug in and play here. Since this was my first machinima, you'll note I forgot to turn off my title. If you look closely, however, you'll see that I am listed as busy. Fitting, that. I had scoured the SL vendors and included as much artificial life on the parcel as possible, including weather effects, renewing flowers, butterflies, birds, insects, and, of course, my cat.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Machinima: "Virtual Stranger"
Music by Niko Donburi, Video & Editing by chugabug goodnight. Chug also does a very nice introduction to the song so be sure and check it out!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Show disclaimer: Second Life, SL, Linden, Linden Lab and all other words or references used in this performance are either trademarks of Linden Research, Inc., or ought to be. My use of these words, phrases or references does not mean that I am endorsed by, sponsored by, supported by or even known by anyone at Linden Research, Inc., let alone an acknowledgment by them of the matters contained herein.
12 Songs about Second Life
A performance on the beach in Barcelona sim
the Linden
SLCC2007 in Chicago
living virtually
a song about virtual friendship
my favorite things (about Second Life)
pretty self-explanatory
should I log in or should I go now?
sometimes it's no fun to be in SL
dear Linden, dear Linden
hello, Lindens, are you listening?
virtual stranger
for those who are in SLove
SL man
what I hope to become
it's the end of the world as we know it (in Second Life)
despite it all, we're all still here
44 lines about 22 Lindens
who they are and what they do
escape - the Second Life song
the story of my life
wastin' away in Second Life
IMHO, SL is the greatest time sink ever created
Second Life (that's where I want to be)
the anthem of Second Life
the ABC song
one for the kids
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Missed the Show?
Live TV by Ustream
Vlad at recorded this, which was simulcast from Second Life out onto the web. There is a minute or so of no audio as he is getting his settings tweaked, so be a bit patient. Pretty amazing technology, if you think about it. I'm in RL playing and the music is being streamed into SL where it is heard by other people all over the world as part of the shared concert experience with the whole thing then streamed out of SL and onto the web for those not in SL to watch, live. Whew.
List of Sims where show can be heard
Xerses has provided me with the list of parcels where the show will be streamed. Here is a list of the sims, coordinates and plot size: 16 = plot size; sim name and coordinates. No time to make slurls, sorry!
16Adscita (30,246) 16Afton (210,40) 64Afton (78,254) 16Aglia (226,228) 32Agravain (18,218) 16Ahnpyung (254,104) 64Albulata (6,102) 96Alcis (30,58) 16Amorissa (34,2) 16Amorissa (34,30) 16Amorissa (42,14) 16Amorissa (46,14) 16Amorissa (62,30) 16Anilis (218,190) 16Aplasta (122,186) 16Aplasta (226,186) 16Aplasta (40,178) 32Apoda (182,254) 16Arches (70,182) 16Armon Gill (226,194) 16Asanga (34,206) 16Atropos (94,46) 16Auric (70,228) 32Auriga (227.666,250.05) 144Auriga (6,218) 16Avignon (2,94) 16Babel (130,194) 16Bagworm (178,146) 144Baikal (2,142) 48Balwin (234,182) 16Bam (216,214) 32Bandicoot (2,236) 64Bassett (150,242) 16Belphegor (104,62) 64Benham (126,248) 32Benham (66,102) 16Bennafield (130,250) 16Bietschhorn (210,6) 16Birchwood (114,102) 16Birchwood (118,98) 16Birchwood (124,102) 32Black Lion (150,250) 16Black Lion (78,34) 16Blackmount (230,134) 16Blacksticks (42,98) 16Boggabri (76,62) 32Bogong (226,190) 16Boksik (194,230) 16Boksik (2,54) 16Boksik (238,254) 16Bombalai (136,152) 64Bretton (254,142) 16Brithys (4,254) 32Brolga (14,62) 16Brolga (2,62) 16Brooks (126,12) 32Brooks (156,76) 64Brooks (92,4) 64Brownlee (218,18) 16Bundz (176,218) 32Cadborosaurus (250,222) 16Cadborosaurus (254,218) 16Caeshu (110,158) 16Caeshu (54,232) 224Caeshu (66,182) 16Caeshu (70,186) 16Caeshu (82,250) 16Callisto (138,134) 16Camorro (18,206) 16Campbell Plateau (74,122) 16Canfield (226,130) 16Carlisle (182,230) 16Carmine (206,246) 16Cass (92,4) 64Castlederg (122,58) 16Cavedweller (126,14) 16Cavedweller (60,140) 48Celerio (164,210) 32Celerio (182,210) 16Cevert (218,158) 16Chamonix (142,190) 16Chamonix (174,26) 16Chamonix (204,166) 32Chapel Stile (160,254) 64Chaska (40,30) 80Chasseforet (154,58) 16Chebi (88,190) 64Cheonma (22,190) 16Cheonma (26,114) 16Cheosan (246,82) 16Chima (178,194) 16Chindo (242,230) 16Chindo (246,230) 16Choa Nu (74,114) 80Chokki (194,158) 16Chopsaw (122,142) 16Ciraco (226,42) 16Cisseps (158,158) 16Clanis (166,134) 16Claremorris (180,134) 32Clay (84,34) 32Clear (154,114) 16Cleary (132,250) 32Cleary (98,210) 16Congrua (20,114) 32Congrua (22,102) 16Congrua (70,18) 16Craigavon (208,242) 96Crumbi (250,186) 16Cycnia (114,18) 16Dark Matter (4,252) 48Darkover (106,118) 64Deadwood (158,22) 16DeCheau (10,66) 16Demorgan (106,166) 48Denshore (16,188) 80Denshore (18,40) 96Diablerets (112,86) 32Diablerets (134,90) 16Diablerets (170,100) 32Diablerets (174,98) 16Djorven (4,82) 32Donalbain (158,190) 16Donders (36,254) 32Drax (192,254) 32Durango (252,90) 64Durdane (246,98) 16Eagle Rise (98,100) 32Eddings (138,92) 32Ekota (94,184) 64Eldora (230,150) 16Eldora (246,176) 64Ello (50,68) 32Ello (62,60) 32Enceladus (52,252) 48Epilais (88,102) 32Epirrhoe (254,242) 16Epirrita (114,110) 16Epirrita (92,74) 64Erzulie (88,130) 32Ethmia (206,134) 16Ethmia (4,148) 48Euiryeong (226,170) 16Euiryeong (234,222) 48Eunpyung (14,26) 16Ferguson (114,254) 16Ferguson (126,254) 16Ferguson (94,242) 16Firmans Haven (126,126) 16Fishii (78,210) 48Flagg (244,46) 32Flint (146,234) 16Fraxini (130,2) 16Gangkhar (108,30) 32Gangkhar (162,66) 16Gangkhar (162,78) 16Gangwon (12,40) 96Gangwon (242,106) 16Gangwon (30,42) 16Gangwon (30,54) 16Gangwon (36,30) 32Gartogg (22,218) 16Gartogg (22,226) 16Ge (162,94) 48Geoje (172,108) 64Gilbut (186,136) 96Gilbut (188,194) 32Goangeo (110,102) 16Gonkbrunk (118,158) 16Gorderonis (126,138) 16Gorgon (2,116) 96Gorlen Bay (14,22) 16Grace (182,170) 16Granville (90,164) 64Great Staughton (18,94) 16Grishin (82,50) 48Grolphook (154,46) 16Grolphook (162,58) 16Gyeonu (212,172) 48Hamlin (154,214) 16Harbourne (238,86) 16Hardrada (122,246) 16Hazeldean (122,186) 16Hemaris (104,250) 32Hemaris (90,250) 16Herald (242,134) 16Hewes (86,70) 16Highcastle (216,222) 32Horseshoe (234,114) 16Horseshoe (236,110) 32Horseshoe (246,122) 16Houlihan (120,22) 64Hughes (138,102) 16Hughes (14,230) 16Hughes (140,116) 48Hughes (168,2) 64Hughes (214,10) 16Hwaryeo (146,74) 16Hydes (146,6) 16Hydrathan (6,246) 16Idunn (194,14) 16Idunn (226,66) 16Ingvar (130,10) 16Jessgate (80,58) 64Jingyo (90,122) 16Julia Creek (44,62) 32Jumeoni (110,202) 16Jumeoni (68,124) 64Jumeoni (94,248) 64Junghee (198,254) 16Junghee (34,178) 16Junghee (44,184) 80Jungreung (158,28) 32Jungreung (201.856,13.4771) 64Kallabow (66,178) 176Kallabow (94,190) 16Kanes Project (62,92) 32Kendall (6,238) 16Khanuy Gol (234,230) 16Khanuy Gol (250,230) 16Khanuy Gol (252,234) 32Kitster (254,186) 16Kiuek (98,230) 16Klens (230,150) 16Knieff (126,154) 16Knot (94,254) 16Krypto (142,190) 16Kuhrang (222,122) 16Kumho (178,74) 16Kumiho (248,68) 96Kuusamo (136,56) 64Kuusamo (146,62) 16Kyle (62,86) 16Kyle (64,70) 32Lappet (226,238) 16Lappet (246,170) 16Lappet (50,40) 64Laserlight (130,62) 32Laurier (74,98) 16Leelight (26,222) 16Lendrum (46,254) 16Lhotse (130,182) 16Lhotse (94,150) 16Limtessa (150,38) 96Loepa (142,222) 32Lonsdale (110,6) 16Lonsdale (190,2) 16Loveland (210,196) 32Lunalis (230,94) 16Lusca (250,138) 96Lynnwood (134,130) 16Lynnwood (6,194) 32Lythria (62,122) 80Maemi (26,178) 16Makalu (10,146) 16Makalu (2,146) 16Makalu (44,152) 64Malacosoma (94,150) 16Malchior (26,86) 16Malgeungaram (122,22) 16Mallee (244,82) 32Manduca (166,248) 32Manitoba (166,222) 96Manitoba (170,230) 16Manitoba (184,222) 96Mantle (190,2) 16Maquapit (114,242) 16Maquapit (122,246) 16Maquapit (126,242) 16Maquapit (138,246) 16Maquapit (46,178) 16Marcell (242,66) 16Marcell (254,66) 16Masan (162,30) 16Matamata (34,86) 16McIntyre (254,90) 48Mephit (66,174) 112Meribel (198,134) 16Meyonohk (178,166) 16Miliaco (20,66) 32Milmeranda (190,250) 16Milyang (190,2) 16Mimas (38,80) 64Minchau (30,102) 16Minchau (30,226) 128Minchau (42,180) 64Missauke (34,254) 48Misto Presto (134,50) 16Misto Presto (74,22) 16Moa (62,78) 80Momil (226,24) 64Moolbora (130,126) 16Mooter (100,178) 32Mooter (130,160) 96Mooter (152,170) 32Moran (52,20) 32Mordus Hall (164,198) 32Mordus Hall (186,200) 64Morestello (18,246) 16Morgawr (4,178) 32Moth (130,30) 16Moth (146,30) 16Muinstown (126,238) 16Muinstown (200,106) 32Mullein (178,204) 96Mullett (10,178) 16Mullett (24,254) 64Mullett (84,138) 32Mullett (90,130) 16Mullett (94,140) 32Mumun (18,170) 16Mumun (42,244) 32Mumun (46,238) 16Murderous Motion (74,46) 16Murderous Motion (76,42) 32Murderous Motion (76,62) 32Myeolchi (165.968,129.993) 96Nagarjuna (110,254) 16Nagarjuna (166,222) 112Namhae (22,190) 16Namhae (30,190) 16Nanda (14,46) 16Nessie (132,110) 32Nijole (122,170) 16Nijole (138,138) 16Nimnam (168,238) 32Nimnam (174.994,231) 80Nimnam (186,242) 16Nina (142,150) 32Noguri (22,186) 16Noguri (242,182) 16Nordloop (18,70) 112Olexandrovich (162,4) 32Oppeano (194,146) 16Oppeano (70.0857,92.0565) 32Oppeano (78,34) 16Oppeano (82,6) 80Oppeano (84,70) 80Oppeano (94,138) 16Orache (10,194) 16Pan Ho (68,140) 64Parva (58,246) 16Pavet (10,104) 32Pavet (118,118) 16Pawpaw (106,42) 16Pilatianus (70,158) 16Pilatianus (98,184) 32Pinemont (162,34) 16Poggiodomo (162,242) 32Polkadot (90,198) 48Raimondo (126,46) 16Rannels (114,116) 32Rannels (136,142) 32Redear (126,26) 16Redear (136,254) 64Redspire (230,2) 16Rethymno (42,158) 16Riddings (78,154) 16Rideau (6,102) 48Rollie (226,4) 32Rollie (234,4) 32Romanenko (190,166) 16Root Squared (150,182) 16Rumgally (14,234) 16Sababurg (14,110) 16Sabnock (50,102) 16Saena (18,240) 128Saengseon (168,250) 112Sallow (226,82) 16Sanddalgi (14,98) 16Sanddalgi (194,230) 16Satbyeul (250,6) 16Satoo (126,250) 48Scamp (102,46) 16Scamp (110,46) 16Scamp (22,206) 16Scamp (58,182) 16Scamp (98,34) 16Seefeld (104,252) 64Selenia (182,2) 16Seneca (10,246) 16Seneca (198,66) 16Seneca (254,28) 32Seneca (40,238) 32Seneca (42,250) 16Seneca (94,14) 16Seogyeo (222,26) 16Seonggye (206,30) 16Seopophang (22,188) 32Servo (232,4) 80Servo (92,74) 80Seyanforth (166,146) 16Shantos (94,246) 16Shark (122,64) 32Shark (170,222) 16Shelter (22,90) 16Shikotsu (132,2) 32Shouldice (106,126) 16Sirrakuk (114,250) 16Skutter (198,250) 16Sliderule (104,188) 128Slyme (34,58) 16Sokri (204,4) 80Solbim (10,6) 112Sooseunhwa (26,130) 16Soulgiver (2,174) 16Specter (194,14) 16Specter (198,18) 16St Lion (192,156) 64Star Scythe (74,98) 16Star Scythe (86,106) 128Stepanovych (130,138) 48Stingray (170,170) 16Storgosia (94,90) 16Sunwi Do (102,170) 16Sunwi Do (150,198) 16Sunwi Do (34,128) 32Sunwi Do (38,130) 16Sunwi Do (88,158) 32Sunwi Do (90,162) 16Swain (10,126) 16Taean (248,30) 32Taesot (2,34) 48Tangun (50,102) 16Tarfang (246,230) 16Tarfang (70,60) 32Tarfang (78,34) 16Theretra (60,170) 32Theretra (66,142) 16Theretra (78,130) 16Thunberg (102,254) 16Thunberg (4,158) 32Tigerclaw (34,166) 48Timescape (128,44) 48Tlahuelpuchi (62,226) 16Tlahuelpuchi (94,126) 16Tofalar (142,102) 16Tofalar (156,78) 32Toroge (242,230) 16Toroge (250,226) 16Toshimora (156,124) 48Toshimora (158,118) 16Trellumare (18,90) 16Tridens (58,186) 16Trinovantes (254,254) 16Tsering (178,162) 32Tsering (178,190) 16Tsering (186,94) 16Tumblebrutus (82,2) 16Ungnyo (202,254) 16Uzume (26,250) 16Uzume (42,254) 16Valkyrie (198,6) 16Varsity (30,36) 32Velox (78,186) 16Villeneuve (102,82) 16Volvod (70,138) 112Vyacheslav (86,2) 16Wallaby (30,6) 16Warmouth (194,26) 16Wasp (254,170) 16Weber (122,158) 16Webwinder (126,110) 16Westport (122,250) 16Wunb (158,230) 48Xanthorhoe (14,98) 16Xtoh (150,82) 16Xtoh (158,82) 16Yarna (30,42) 16Yeoseot (134,138) 48Yosu (206,174) 16Yucca (34,70) 16Zakarisz (200,8) 96Zakarisz (202,58) 16Zakarisz (206,54) 16Zap Cannon (42,122) 16Zugspitze (134,100) 80Zugspitze (254,146)
In addition: my land at Koryo 121,16 will be streaming, my parcel in Tyta (245,124,126), Phoenixa has set her parcels on Soju, Solbitgil, Avaron, and Yangpa sims to the stream, Xerses has his at Darkwood 24,95,23, Mauve 180,102,36 & Atlas 108,228,36 and I don't know Rocky's info but since I'm using his stream I know it's playing there too!
16Adscita (30,246) 16Afton (210,40) 64Afton (78,254) 16Aglia (226,228) 32Agravain (18,218) 16Ahnpyung (254,104) 64Albulata (6,102) 96Alcis (30,58) 16Amorissa (34,2) 16Amorissa (34,30) 16Amorissa (42,14) 16Amorissa (46,14) 16Amorissa (62,30) 16Anilis (218,190) 16Aplasta (122,186) 16Aplasta (226,186) 16Aplasta (40,178) 32Apoda (182,254) 16Arches (70,182) 16Armon Gill (226,194) 16Asanga (34,206) 16Atropos (94,46) 16Auric (70,228) 32Auriga (227.666,250.05) 144Auriga (6,218) 16Avignon (2,94) 16Babel (130,194) 16Bagworm (178,146) 144Baikal (2,142) 48Balwin (234,182) 16Bam (216,214) 32Bandicoot (2,236) 64Bassett (150,242) 16Belphegor (104,62) 64Benham (126,248) 32Benham (66,102) 16Bennafield (130,250) 16Bietschhorn (210,6) 16Birchwood (114,102) 16Birchwood (118,98) 16Birchwood (124,102) 32Black Lion (150,250) 16Black Lion (78,34) 16Blackmount (230,134) 16Blacksticks (42,98) 16Boggabri (76,62) 32Bogong (226,190) 16Boksik (194,230) 16Boksik (2,54) 16Boksik (238,254) 16Bombalai (136,152) 64Bretton (254,142) 16Brithys (4,254) 32Brolga (14,62) 16Brolga (2,62) 16Brooks (126,12) 32Brooks (156,76) 64Brooks (92,4) 64Brownlee (218,18) 16Bundz (176,218) 32Cadborosaurus (250,222) 16Cadborosaurus (254,218) 16Caeshu (110,158) 16Caeshu (54,232) 224Caeshu (66,182) 16Caeshu (70,186) 16Caeshu (82,250) 16Callisto (138,134) 16Camorro (18,206) 16Campbell Plateau (74,122) 16Canfield (226,130) 16Carlisle (182,230) 16Carmine (206,246) 16Cass (92,4) 64Castlederg (122,58) 16Cavedweller (126,14) 16Cavedweller (60,140) 48Celerio (164,210) 32Celerio (182,210) 16Cevert (218,158) 16Chamonix (142,190) 16Chamonix (174,26) 16Chamonix (204,166) 32Chapel Stile (160,254) 64Chaska (40,30) 80Chasseforet (154,58) 16Chebi (88,190) 64Cheonma (22,190) 16Cheonma (26,114) 16Cheosan (246,82) 16Chima (178,194) 16Chindo (242,230) 16Chindo (246,230) 16Choa Nu (74,114) 80Chokki (194,158) 16Chopsaw (122,142) 16Ciraco (226,42) 16Cisseps (158,158) 16Clanis (166,134) 16Claremorris (180,134) 32Clay (84,34) 32Clear (154,114) 16Cleary (132,250) 32Cleary (98,210) 16Congrua (20,114) 32Congrua (22,102) 16Congrua (70,18) 16Craigavon (208,242) 96Crumbi (250,186) 16Cycnia (114,18) 16Dark Matter (4,252) 48Darkover (106,118) 64Deadwood (158,22) 16DeCheau (10,66) 16Demorgan (106,166) 48Denshore (16,188) 80Denshore (18,40) 96Diablerets (112,86) 32Diablerets (134,90) 16Diablerets (170,100) 32Diablerets (174,98) 16Djorven (4,82) 32Donalbain (158,190) 16Donders (36,254) 32Drax (192,254) 32Durango (252,90) 64Durdane (246,98) 16Eagle Rise (98,100) 32Eddings (138,92) 32Ekota (94,184) 64Eldora (230,150) 16Eldora (246,176) 64Ello (50,68) 32Ello (62,60) 32Enceladus (52,252) 48Epilais (88,102) 32Epirrhoe (254,242) 16Epirrita (114,110) 16Epirrita (92,74) 64Erzulie (88,130) 32Ethmia (206,134) 16Ethmia (4,148) 48Euiryeong (226,170) 16Euiryeong (234,222) 48Eunpyung (14,26) 16Ferguson (114,254) 16Ferguson (126,254) 16Ferguson (94,242) 16Firmans Haven (126,126) 16Fishii (78,210) 48Flagg (244,46) 32Flint (146,234) 16Fraxini (130,2) 16Gangkhar (108,30) 32Gangkhar (162,66) 16Gangkhar (162,78) 16Gangwon (12,40) 96Gangwon (242,106) 16Gangwon (30,42) 16Gangwon (30,54) 16Gangwon (36,30) 32Gartogg (22,218) 16Gartogg (22,226) 16Ge (162,94) 48Geoje (172,108) 64Gilbut (186,136) 96Gilbut (188,194) 32Goangeo (110,102) 16Gonkbrunk (118,158) 16Gorderonis (126,138) 16Gorgon (2,116) 96Gorlen Bay (14,22) 16Grace (182,170) 16Granville (90,164) 64Great Staughton (18,94) 16Grishin (82,50) 48Grolphook (154,46) 16Grolphook (162,58) 16Gyeonu (212,172) 48Hamlin (154,214) 16Harbourne (238,86) 16Hardrada (122,246) 16Hazeldean (122,186) 16Hemaris (104,250) 32Hemaris (90,250) 16Herald (242,134) 16Hewes (86,70) 16Highcastle (216,222) 32Horseshoe (234,114) 16Horseshoe (236,110) 32Horseshoe (246,122) 16Houlihan (120,22) 64Hughes (138,102) 16Hughes (14,230) 16Hughes (140,116) 48Hughes (168,2) 64Hughes (214,10) 16Hwaryeo (146,74) 16Hydes (146,6) 16Hydrathan (6,246) 16Idunn (194,14) 16Idunn (226,66) 16Ingvar (130,10) 16Jessgate (80,58) 64Jingyo (90,122) 16Julia Creek (44,62) 32Jumeoni (110,202) 16Jumeoni (68,124) 64Jumeoni (94,248) 64Junghee (198,254) 16Junghee (34,178) 16Junghee (44,184) 80Jungreung (158,28) 32Jungreung (201.856,13.4771) 64Kallabow (66,178) 176Kallabow (94,190) 16Kanes Project (62,92) 32Kendall (6,238) 16Khanuy Gol (234,230) 16Khanuy Gol (250,230) 16Khanuy Gol (252,234) 32Kitster (254,186) 16Kiuek (98,230) 16Klens (230,150) 16Knieff (126,154) 16Knot (94,254) 16Krypto (142,190) 16Kuhrang (222,122) 16Kumho (178,74) 16Kumiho (248,68) 96Kuusamo (136,56) 64Kuusamo (146,62) 16Kyle (62,86) 16Kyle (64,70) 32Lappet (226,238) 16Lappet (246,170) 16Lappet (50,40) 64Laserlight (130,62) 32Laurier (74,98) 16Leelight (26,222) 16Lendrum (46,254) 16Lhotse (130,182) 16Lhotse (94,150) 16Limtessa (150,38) 96Loepa (142,222) 32Lonsdale (110,6) 16Lonsdale (190,2) 16Loveland (210,196) 32Lunalis (230,94) 16Lusca (250,138) 96Lynnwood (134,130) 16Lynnwood (6,194) 32Lythria (62,122) 80Maemi (26,178) 16Makalu (10,146) 16Makalu (2,146) 16Makalu (44,152) 64Malacosoma (94,150) 16Malchior (26,86) 16Malgeungaram (122,22) 16Mallee (244,82) 32Manduca (166,248) 32Manitoba (166,222) 96Manitoba (170,230) 16Manitoba (184,222) 96Mantle (190,2) 16Maquapit (114,242) 16Maquapit (122,246) 16Maquapit (126,242) 16Maquapit (138,246) 16Maquapit (46,178) 16Marcell (242,66) 16Marcell (254,66) 16Masan (162,30) 16Matamata (34,86) 16McIntyre (254,90) 48Mephit (66,174) 112Meribel (198,134) 16Meyonohk (178,166) 16Miliaco (20,66) 32Milmeranda (190,250) 16Milyang (190,2) 16Mimas (38,80) 64Minchau (30,102) 16Minchau (30,226) 128Minchau (42,180) 64Missauke (34,254) 48Misto Presto (134,50) 16Misto Presto (74,22) 16Moa (62,78) 80Momil (226,24) 64Moolbora (130,126) 16Mooter (100,178) 32Mooter (130,160) 96Mooter (152,170) 32Moran (52,20) 32Mordus Hall (164,198) 32Mordus Hall (186,200) 64Morestello (18,246) 16Morgawr (4,178) 32Moth (130,30) 16Moth (146,30) 16Muinstown (126,238) 16Muinstown (200,106) 32Mullein (178,204) 96Mullett (10,178) 16Mullett (24,254) 64Mullett (84,138) 32Mullett (90,130) 16Mullett (94,140) 32Mumun (18,170) 16Mumun (42,244) 32Mumun (46,238) 16Murderous Motion (74,46) 16Murderous Motion (76,42) 32Murderous Motion (76,62) 32Myeolchi (165.968,129.993) 96Nagarjuna (110,254) 16Nagarjuna (166,222) 112Namhae (22,190) 16Namhae (30,190) 16Nanda (14,46) 16Nessie (132,110) 32Nijole (122,170) 16Nijole (138,138) 16Nimnam (168,238) 32Nimnam (174.994,231) 80Nimnam (186,242) 16Nina (142,150) 32Noguri (22,186) 16Noguri (242,182) 16Nordloop (18,70) 112Olexandrovich (162,4) 32Oppeano (194,146) 16Oppeano (70.0857,92.0565) 32Oppeano (78,34) 16Oppeano (82,6) 80Oppeano (84,70) 80Oppeano (94,138) 16Orache (10,194) 16Pan Ho (68,140) 64Parva (58,246) 16Pavet (10,104) 32Pavet (118,118) 16Pawpaw (106,42) 16Pilatianus (70,158) 16Pilatianus (98,184) 32Pinemont (162,34) 16Poggiodomo (162,242) 32Polkadot (90,198) 48Raimondo (126,46) 16Rannels (114,116) 32Rannels (136,142) 32Redear (126,26) 16Redear (136,254) 64Redspire (230,2) 16Rethymno (42,158) 16Riddings (78,154) 16Rideau (6,102) 48Rollie (226,4) 32Rollie (234,4) 32Romanenko (190,166) 16Root Squared (150,182) 16Rumgally (14,234) 16Sababurg (14,110) 16Sabnock (50,102) 16Saena (18,240) 128Saengseon (168,250) 112Sallow (226,82) 16Sanddalgi (14,98) 16Sanddalgi (194,230) 16Satbyeul (250,6) 16Satoo (126,250) 48Scamp (102,46) 16Scamp (110,46) 16Scamp (22,206) 16Scamp (58,182) 16Scamp (98,34) 16Seefeld (104,252) 64Selenia (182,2) 16Seneca (10,246) 16Seneca (198,66) 16Seneca (254,28) 32Seneca (40,238) 32Seneca (42,250) 16Seneca (94,14) 16Seogyeo (222,26) 16Seonggye (206,30) 16Seopophang (22,188) 32Servo (232,4) 80Servo (92,74) 80Seyanforth (166,146) 16Shantos (94,246) 16Shark (122,64) 32Shark (170,222) 16Shelter (22,90) 16Shikotsu (132,2) 32Shouldice (106,126) 16Sirrakuk (114,250) 16Skutter (198,250) 16Sliderule (104,188) 128Slyme (34,58) 16Sokri (204,4) 80Solbim (10,6) 112Sooseunhwa (26,130) 16Soulgiver (2,174) 16Specter (194,14) 16Specter (198,18) 16St Lion (192,156) 64Star Scythe (74,98) 16Star Scythe (86,106) 128Stepanovych (130,138) 48Stingray (170,170) 16Storgosia (94,90) 16Sunwi Do (102,170) 16Sunwi Do (150,198) 16Sunwi Do (34,128) 32Sunwi Do (38,130) 16Sunwi Do (88,158) 32Sunwi Do (90,162) 16Swain (10,126) 16Taean (248,30) 32Taesot (2,34) 48Tangun (50,102) 16Tarfang (246,230) 16Tarfang (70,60) 32Tarfang (78,34) 16Theretra (60,170) 32Theretra (66,142) 16Theretra (78,130) 16Thunberg (102,254) 16Thunberg (4,158) 32Tigerclaw (34,166) 48Timescape (128,44) 48Tlahuelpuchi (62,226) 16Tlahuelpuchi (94,126) 16Tofalar (142,102) 16Tofalar (156,78) 32Toroge (242,230) 16Toroge (250,226) 16Toshimora (156,124) 48Toshimora (158,118) 16Trellumare (18,90) 16Tridens (58,186) 16Trinovantes (254,254) 16Tsering (178,162) 32Tsering (178,190) 16Tsering (186,94) 16Tumblebrutus (82,2) 16Ungnyo (202,254) 16Uzume (26,250) 16Uzume (42,254) 16Valkyrie (198,6) 16Varsity (30,36) 32Velox (78,186) 16Villeneuve (102,82) 16Volvod (70,138) 112Vyacheslav (86,2) 16Wallaby (30,6) 16Warmouth (194,26) 16Wasp (254,170) 16Weber (122,158) 16Webwinder (126,110) 16Westport (122,250) 16Wunb (158,230) 48Xanthorhoe (14,98) 16Xtoh (150,82) 16Xtoh (158,82) 16Yarna (30,42) 16Yeoseot (134,138) 48Yosu (206,174) 16Yucca (34,70) 16Zakarisz (200,8) 96Zakarisz (202,58) 16Zakarisz (206,54) 16Zap Cannon (42,122) 16Zugspitze (134,100) 80Zugspitze (254,146)
In addition: my land at Koryo 121,16 will be streaming, my parcel in Tyta (245,124,126), Phoenixa has set her parcels on Soju, Solbitgil, Avaron, and Yangpa sims to the stream, Xerses has his at Darkwood 24,95,23, Mauve 180,102,36 & Atlas 108,228,36 and I don't know Rocky's info but since I'm using his stream I know it's playing there too!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Interview with Yngwie Krogstad: SL DJ

[20:21] Yngwie Krogstad: Well, do you know who Yngwie Malmsteen is by chance?
[20:22] Niko Donburi: The guitarist
[20:22] Yngwie Krogstad: Yes.
[20:22] Yngwie Krogstad: When I signed up I had no clue what I wanted to call myself, but I was listening to Yngwie at the time, so I decided I'd name myself after Yngwie. Since Malmsteen was not an option, I found the best last name that sounded like it'd be from the country he came from.
[20:22] Niko Donburi: cool
[20:23] Niko Donburi: mind if I quote you on my blog?
[20:23] Yngwie Krogstad: Go for it
[20:26] Yngwie Krogstad: Killer. Don't forget to mention that I'm a DJ, and maybe that I won the Keep The Rock A Rollin' Award, presented for promoting the indie artists of, I'm only the third person in all of SL ever to win it, and you can of course mention I play Niko Donburi too.
[20:27] Niko Donburi: Done
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sunday show details

This is the location of Sunday's show, 11/9 at 6pm SL. Here is the slurl which will take you into Second Life and put you right outside the stage area:
Here is the link by which you can listen to the show as streamed audio:
This is the link for viewing it over the web:
Special thanks to Vlad at Shiny Life for the help and the posts!
Interview with Robin Dale: Non-Social Socialite

"Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans: it's lovely to be silly at the right moment."
---Horace, 65 - 8 B.C.
[2008/11/04 18:57] Niko Donburi: Robin, I am doing a study of the geneology of last names. I was wondering if you knew the history of your family name, Dale?
[Nov 07 19:56:12 2008] Robin Dale: Hi, Niko. I don't know anything specific about the history of the name Dale. The word's Old English, with roots all over Scandinavia, I guess always meaning "valley." At a guess, it might have started in old England with someone identified as "Joe from the Dales." That'd be analogous to names like Hillman. The Robin Hood legends have the minstrel, Alan-a-Dale, which I suppose might be a form of "Alan of Dale." I've sometimes thought that I might have had an ancestor named Rob o'the Dales.
[18:36] Niko Donburi: Thanks, Robin, for the info. Is it OK if I quote you on my blog? I'm doing a survey of residents inquiring about their last name.
[18:40] Robin Dale: Sure. Hope other folks have better info, though. Hey, hope Sunday night goes well... I expect to be there somewhere!
Press Release for Sunday's Show
This Sunday, 11/9, at 6 o'clock pm (PST) virtual history will be made.
Niko Donburi, better known as the "Weird Al" of Second Life, will be holding what is being called the largest live music event ever held in Linden Research, Inc.'s virtual world.Niko's debut of his second collection of satirical songs about Second Life will be streamed to parcels of land located on more than 400 individual sims, or Second Life regions. The parcels are part of the virtual "Arbor Project," a movement to thwart the increasing commercialization of Second Life by planting virtual trees on small parcels of land throughout the main grid.
Niko is considered by many to be one of the top live music performers in Second Life. He was selected to be one of the featured live music performers for last years' Second Life Community Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, and his songs about Second Life are frequently heard in the clubs and venues of that virtual world.
More info can be obtained at: and you can listen to the concert via on Sunday, 11/9/08 starting at 6 pm PST
Niko Donburi, better known as the "Weird Al" of Second Life, will be holding what is being called the largest live music event ever held in Linden Research, Inc.'s virtual world.Niko's debut of his second collection of satirical songs about Second Life will be streamed to parcels of land located on more than 400 individual sims, or Second Life regions. The parcels are part of the virtual "Arbor Project," a movement to thwart the increasing commercialization of Second Life by planting virtual trees on small parcels of land throughout the main grid.
Niko is considered by many to be one of the top live music performers in Second Life. He was selected to be one of the featured live music performers for last years' Second Life Community Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, and his songs about Second Life are frequently heard in the clubs and venues of that virtual world.
More info can be obtained at: and you can listen to the concert via on Sunday, 11/9/08 starting at 6 pm PST
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Arbor Project: Beautifying Second Life 16m2 at a time
The Arbor Project plants trees on small lots in Second Life that otherwise would contain ads. Lots are available for 30L per meter to anyone who will join it to an adjacent property of at least 300m2. Contact Xerses Goff for more info.
[19:50] Niko Donburi: hey, do you still have the Sl Arbor Project going?
[19:53] Xerses Goff: yes, we are still giving away land
[19:55] Niko Donburi: giving away?
[19:55] Xerses Goff: yep, we are trying to get about 600 small plots recombined
[19:56] Niko Donburi: ah; can you set the music on each of those parcels to a single stream?
[19:56] Xerses Goff: yes,. we used to have them set to the station.
[19:56] Xerses Goff: they are open now.
[19:57] Xerses Goff: we have a bot that does it.
[19:58] Niko Donburi: I was wondering if I could get you to turn the parcels' streams to my show this coming Sunday, 6 pm SL
[19:58] Niko Donburi: in exchange for some announcements about your project
[19:58] Niko Donburi: we are going to pack the sim, I think, or at least try (as you've seen from the notecard)
[19:58] Xerses Goff: sure, I will be happy to do it anyway, just send me a notecard with the url
[19:58] Xerses Goff: yep
[19:59] Xerses Goff: don't need any mentions though you can let everyone know that they can listen from those plots.
[20:01] Xerses Goff: with the bot, it takes about 1/2 an hour to reset them all.
[20:01] Niko Donburi: ok
[20:01] Xerses Goff: I will do it tomorrow night or Staurday.
[20:01] Xerses Goff: just get me the url
[20:02] Niko Donburi:
[20:03] Xerses Goff: got it, will let you know when it is done
[20:03] Niko Donburi: the show is Sunday, 6 pm SL
[20:03] Xerses Goff: you can say it is being beamed across 400+ sims :-)
[20:04] Niko Donburi: yep, as part of the Arbor Project
[20:05] Xerses Goff: great
That's right, the show on Sunday is going to be heard in more than 400 separate sims in Second Life. As far as I can determine, it will be the largest concert ever held in SL.
[19:50] Niko Donburi: hey, do you still have the Sl Arbor Project going?
[19:53] Xerses Goff: yes, we are still giving away land
[19:55] Niko Donburi: giving away?
[19:55] Xerses Goff: yep, we are trying to get about 600 small plots recombined
[19:56] Niko Donburi: ah; can you set the music on each of those parcels to a single stream?
[19:56] Xerses Goff: yes,. we used to have them set to the station.
[19:56] Xerses Goff: they are open now.
[19:57] Xerses Goff: we have a bot that does it.
[19:58] Niko Donburi: I was wondering if I could get you to turn the parcels' streams to my show this coming Sunday, 6 pm SL
[19:58] Niko Donburi: in exchange for some announcements about your project
[19:58] Niko Donburi: we are going to pack the sim, I think, or at least try (as you've seen from the notecard)
[19:58] Xerses Goff: sure, I will be happy to do it anyway, just send me a notecard with the url
[19:58] Xerses Goff: yep
[19:59] Xerses Goff: don't need any mentions though you can let everyone know that they can listen from those plots.
[20:01] Xerses Goff: with the bot, it takes about 1/2 an hour to reset them all.
[20:01] Niko Donburi: ok
[20:01] Xerses Goff: I will do it tomorrow night or Staurday.
[20:01] Xerses Goff: just get me the url
[20:02] Niko Donburi:
[20:03] Xerses Goff: got it, will let you know when it is done
[20:03] Niko Donburi: the show is Sunday, 6 pm SL
[20:03] Xerses Goff: you can say it is being beamed across 400+ sims :-)
[20:04] Niko Donburi: yep, as part of the Arbor Project
[20:05] Xerses Goff: great
That's right, the show on Sunday is going to be heard in more than 400 separate sims in Second Life. As far as I can determine, it will be the largest concert ever held in SL.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Well, due in no large part to confusion created by myself, Sunday's show didn't quite go out as planned. I was surprised, however, at the number of people who did turn up just for the show. Turns out it was just a dry run for this coming Sunday. Yes, we are going to try it again. 6 pm SL in Barcelona sim, on the beach.
Last Sunday I had planned to tell everyone all of the following but in the confusion of finding a new location, getting a stream (thanks Rocky!) and TPing everyone, sending out a notice to the group, AND playing and singing, I just plain forgot. So, here it is in print so as least I know that they are somewhere....
While are you are at the show, you are more than encouraged to take snapshots, video capture, audio capture, tweet, blog or do anything else creative to capture the mood. I will be mixing and compiling all such items provided to me in a machinima. So as to allow the greatest flexibility when it comes to the editing, I would ask that everyone read through the following ten items:
(1) set your environment settings to "dusk" or evening setting. I've asked Liam and Chrissy to put out torches, fires, etc so that we can have a cool location. It will be on the beach in Barcelona so a much more relaxed and "outdoor" setting than the Cafe.
(2) if you take snapshots or video capture, please don't get your UI unless it is absolutely necessary (that's you, Phoenixa!).
(3) the simplest way to get me the photos is to "send as postcard" to my email (nikodonburi @ You can also post them to your Flickr page, which I encourage, or download them to your computer (particularly if you want to photoshop them) and email or ftp them to me later. Please DON'T save them in your inventory as it will cost you L10 per photo. If you DO have any in your inventory you want to send me, that's fine, too. The free way is better, though!
(4) machinima will be mixed for posting to Youtube so record it in at least 15fps, preferably 30.
(5) I would ask those of you who are audio recording to be sure and record the ambient sounds, background sounds, etc. I am recording the actual music track so there is no need for you to do so (unless you want to, of course!). What doesn't get captured on my end are the sounds (clapping, ambient) that you all hear. Only the music. If you could, please get a couple of minutes of just ambient sounds without music for mixing.
(6) Those of you making machinima of your own who are looking for a great location for an event to happen, this is your night. Feel free to film your own event at my show. You are welcome to use the music, with attribution.
(7) By clicking on the TP button, slurl or LM that takes you to the show, you are expressly agreeing that your AV can be used in any works by any of the attendees for any purpose. That gives every attending resident the ability to use the resultant footage as they wish.
(8) Please bring a guest, dance balls, pose balls and whatever else.
(9) Feel free to grief, just don't be an asshole about it. Particle effects are particularly welcome.
(10) Any and all publicity is encouraged. That means blogs, tweets, email, notices, IMs or whatever else you can think of.
Last Sunday I had planned to tell everyone all of the following but in the confusion of finding a new location, getting a stream (thanks Rocky!) and TPing everyone, sending out a notice to the group, AND playing and singing, I just plain forgot. So, here it is in print so as least I know that they are somewhere....
While are you are at the show, you are more than encouraged to take snapshots, video capture, audio capture, tweet, blog or do anything else creative to capture the mood. I will be mixing and compiling all such items provided to me in a machinima. So as to allow the greatest flexibility when it comes to the editing, I would ask that everyone read through the following ten items:
(1) set your environment settings to "dusk" or evening setting. I've asked Liam and Chrissy to put out torches, fires, etc so that we can have a cool location. It will be on the beach in Barcelona so a much more relaxed and "outdoor" setting than the Cafe.
(2) if you take snapshots or video capture, please don't get your UI unless it is absolutely necessary (that's you, Phoenixa!).
(3) the simplest way to get me the photos is to "send as postcard" to my email (nikodonburi @ You can also post them to your Flickr page, which I encourage, or download them to your computer (particularly if you want to photoshop them) and email or ftp them to me later. Please DON'T save them in your inventory as it will cost you L10 per photo. If you DO have any in your inventory you want to send me, that's fine, too. The free way is better, though!
(4) machinima will be mixed for posting to Youtube so record it in at least 15fps, preferably 30.
(5) I would ask those of you who are audio recording to be sure and record the ambient sounds, background sounds, etc. I am recording the actual music track so there is no need for you to do so (unless you want to, of course!). What doesn't get captured on my end are the sounds (clapping, ambient) that you all hear. Only the music. If you could, please get a couple of minutes of just ambient sounds without music for mixing.
(6) Those of you making machinima of your own who are looking for a great location for an event to happen, this is your night. Feel free to film your own event at my show. You are welcome to use the music, with attribution.
(7) By clicking on the TP button, slurl or LM that takes you to the show, you are expressly agreeing that your AV can be used in any works by any of the attendees for any purpose. That gives every attending resident the ability to use the resultant footage as they wish.
(8) Please bring a guest, dance balls, pose balls and whatever else.
(9) Feel free to grief, just don't be an asshole about it. Particle effects are particularly welcome.
(10) Any and all publicity is encouraged. That means blogs, tweets, email, notices, IMs or whatever else you can think of.
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