Xerses has provided me with the list of parcels where the show will be streamed. Here is a list of the sims, coordinates and plot size: 16 = plot size; sim name and coordinates. No time to make slurls, sorry!
16Adscita (30,246) 16Afton (210,40) 64Afton (78,254) 16Aglia (226,228) 32Agravain (18,218) 16Ahnpyung (254,104) 64Albulata (6,102) 96Alcis (30,58) 16Amorissa (34,2) 16Amorissa (34,30) 16Amorissa (42,14) 16Amorissa (46,14) 16Amorissa (62,30) 16Anilis (218,190) 16Aplasta (122,186) 16Aplasta (226,186) 16Aplasta (40,178) 32Apoda (182,254) 16Arches (70,182) 16Armon Gill (226,194) 16Asanga (34,206) 16Atropos (94,46) 16Auric (70,228) 32Auriga (227.666,250.05) 144Auriga (6,218) 16Avignon (2,94) 16Babel (130,194) 16Bagworm (178,146) 144Baikal (2,142) 48Balwin (234,182) 16Bam (216,214) 32Bandicoot (2,236) 64Bassett (150,242) 16Belphegor (104,62) 64Benham (126,248) 32Benham (66,102) 16Bennafield (130,250) 16Bietschhorn (210,6) 16Birchwood (114,102) 16Birchwood (118,98) 16Birchwood (124,102) 32Black Lion (150,250) 16Black Lion (78,34) 16Blackmount (230,134) 16Blacksticks (42,98) 16Boggabri (76,62) 32Bogong (226,190) 16Boksik (194,230) 16Boksik (2,54) 16Boksik (238,254) 16Bombalai (136,152) 64Bretton (254,142) 16Brithys (4,254) 32Brolga (14,62) 16Brolga (2,62) 16Brooks (126,12) 32Brooks (156,76) 64Brooks (92,4) 64Brownlee (218,18) 16Bundz (176,218) 32Cadborosaurus (250,222) 16Cadborosaurus (254,218) 16Caeshu (110,158) 16Caeshu (54,232) 224Caeshu (66,182) 16Caeshu (70,186) 16Caeshu (82,250) 16Callisto (138,134) 16Camorro (18,206) 16Campbell Plateau (74,122) 16Canfield (226,130) 16Carlisle (182,230) 16Carmine (206,246) 16Cass (92,4) 64Castlederg (122,58) 16Cavedweller (126,14) 16Cavedweller (60,140) 48Celerio (164,210) 32Celerio (182,210) 16Cevert (218,158) 16Chamonix (142,190) 16Chamonix (174,26) 16Chamonix (204,166) 32Chapel Stile (160,254) 64Chaska (40,30) 80Chasseforet (154,58) 16Chebi (88,190) 64Cheonma (22,190) 16Cheonma (26,114) 16Cheosan (246,82) 16Chima (178,194) 16Chindo (242,230) 16Chindo (246,230) 16Choa Nu (74,114) 80Chokki (194,158) 16Chopsaw (122,142) 16Ciraco (226,42) 16Cisseps (158,158) 16Clanis (166,134) 16Claremorris (180,134) 32Clay (84,34) 32Clear (154,114) 16Cleary (132,250) 32Cleary (98,210) 16Congrua (20,114) 32Congrua (22,102) 16Congrua (70,18) 16Craigavon (208,242) 96Crumbi (250,186) 16Cycnia (114,18) 16Dark Matter (4,252) 48Darkover (106,118) 64Deadwood (158,22) 16DeCheau (10,66) 16Demorgan (106,166) 48Denshore (16,188) 80Denshore (18,40) 96Diablerets (112,86) 32Diablerets (134,90) 16Diablerets (170,100) 32Diablerets (174,98) 16Djorven (4,82) 32Donalbain (158,190) 16Donders (36,254) 32Drax (192,254) 32Durango (252,90) 64Durdane (246,98) 16Eagle Rise (98,100) 32Eddings (138,92) 32Ekota (94,184) 64Eldora (230,150) 16Eldora (246,176) 64Ello (50,68) 32Ello (62,60) 32Enceladus (52,252) 48Epilais (88,102) 32Epirrhoe (254,242) 16Epirrita (114,110) 16Epirrita (92,74) 64Erzulie (88,130) 32Ethmia (206,134) 16Ethmia (4,148) 48Euiryeong (226,170) 16Euiryeong (234,222) 48Eunpyung (14,26) 16Ferguson (114,254) 16Ferguson (126,254) 16Ferguson (94,242) 16Firmans Haven (126,126) 16Fishii (78,210) 48Flagg (244,46) 32Flint (146,234) 16Fraxini (130,2) 16Gangkhar (108,30) 32Gangkhar (162,66) 16Gangkhar (162,78) 16Gangwon (12,40) 96Gangwon (242,106) 16Gangwon (30,42) 16Gangwon (30,54) 16Gangwon (36,30) 32Gartogg (22,218) 16Gartogg (22,226) 16Ge (162,94) 48Geoje (172,108) 64Gilbut (186,136) 96Gilbut (188,194) 32Goangeo (110,102) 16Gonkbrunk (118,158) 16Gorderonis (126,138) 16Gorgon (2,116) 96Gorlen Bay (14,22) 16Grace (182,170) 16Granville (90,164) 64Great Staughton (18,94) 16Grishin (82,50) 48Grolphook (154,46) 16Grolphook (162,58) 16Gyeonu (212,172) 48Hamlin (154,214) 16Harbourne (238,86) 16Hardrada (122,246) 16Hazeldean (122,186) 16Hemaris (104,250) 32Hemaris (90,250) 16Herald (242,134) 16Hewes (86,70) 16Highcastle (216,222) 32Horseshoe (234,114) 16Horseshoe (236,110) 32Horseshoe (246,122) 16Houlihan (120,22) 64Hughes (138,102) 16Hughes (14,230) 16Hughes (140,116) 48Hughes (168,2) 64Hughes (214,10) 16Hwaryeo (146,74) 16Hydes (146,6) 16Hydrathan (6,246) 16Idunn (194,14) 16Idunn (226,66) 16Ingvar (130,10) 16Jessgate (80,58) 64Jingyo (90,122) 16Julia Creek (44,62) 32Jumeoni (110,202) 16Jumeoni (68,124) 64Jumeoni (94,248) 64Junghee (198,254) 16Junghee (34,178) 16Junghee (44,184) 80Jungreung (158,28) 32Jungreung (201.856,13.4771) 64Kallabow (66,178) 176Kallabow (94,190) 16Kanes Project (62,92) 32Kendall (6,238) 16Khanuy Gol (234,230) 16Khanuy Gol (250,230) 16Khanuy Gol (252,234) 32Kitster (254,186) 16Kiuek (98,230) 16Klens (230,150) 16Knieff (126,154) 16Knot (94,254) 16Krypto (142,190) 16Kuhrang (222,122) 16Kumho (178,74) 16Kumiho (248,68) 96Kuusamo (136,56) 64Kuusamo (146,62) 16Kyle (62,86) 16Kyle (64,70) 32Lappet (226,238) 16Lappet (246,170) 16Lappet (50,40) 64Laserlight (130,62) 32Laurier (74,98) 16Leelight (26,222) 16Lendrum (46,254) 16Lhotse (130,182) 16Lhotse (94,150) 16Limtessa (150,38) 96Loepa (142,222) 32Lonsdale (110,6) 16Lonsdale (190,2) 16Loveland (210,196) 32Lunalis (230,94) 16Lusca (250,138) 96Lynnwood (134,130) 16Lynnwood (6,194) 32Lythria (62,122) 80Maemi (26,178) 16Makalu (10,146) 16Makalu (2,146) 16Makalu (44,152) 64Malacosoma (94,150) 16Malchior (26,86) 16Malgeungaram (122,22) 16Mallee (244,82) 32Manduca (166,248) 32Manitoba (166,222) 96Manitoba (170,230) 16Manitoba (184,222) 96Mantle (190,2) 16Maquapit (114,242) 16Maquapit (122,246) 16Maquapit (126,242) 16Maquapit (138,246) 16Maquapit (46,178) 16Marcell (242,66) 16Marcell (254,66) 16Masan (162,30) 16Matamata (34,86) 16McIntyre (254,90) 48Mephit (66,174) 112Meribel (198,134) 16Meyonohk (178,166) 16Miliaco (20,66) 32Milmeranda (190,250) 16Milyang (190,2) 16Mimas (38,80) 64Minchau (30,102) 16Minchau (30,226) 128Minchau (42,180) 64Missauke (34,254) 48Misto Presto (134,50) 16Misto Presto (74,22) 16Moa (62,78) 80Momil (226,24) 64Moolbora (130,126) 16Mooter (100,178) 32Mooter (130,160) 96Mooter (152,170) 32Moran (52,20) 32Mordus Hall (164,198) 32Mordus Hall (186,200) 64Morestello (18,246) 16Morgawr (4,178) 32Moth (130,30) 16Moth (146,30) 16Muinstown (126,238) 16Muinstown (200,106) 32Mullein (178,204) 96Mullett (10,178) 16Mullett (24,254) 64Mullett (84,138) 32Mullett (90,130) 16Mullett (94,140) 32Mumun (18,170) 16Mumun (42,244) 32Mumun (46,238) 16Murderous Motion (74,46) 16Murderous Motion (76,42) 32Murderous Motion (76,62) 32Myeolchi (165.968,129.993) 96Nagarjuna (110,254) 16Nagarjuna (166,222) 112Namhae (22,190) 16Namhae (30,190) 16Nanda (14,46) 16Nessie (132,110) 32Nijole (122,170) 16Nijole (138,138) 16Nimnam (168,238) 32Nimnam (174.994,231) 80Nimnam (186,242) 16Nina (142,150) 32Noguri (22,186) 16Noguri (242,182) 16Nordloop (18,70) 112Olexandrovich (162,4) 32Oppeano (194,146) 16Oppeano (70.0857,92.0565) 32Oppeano (78,34) 16Oppeano (82,6) 80Oppeano (84,70) 80Oppeano (94,138) 16Orache (10,194) 16Pan Ho (68,140) 64Parva (58,246) 16Pavet (10,104) 32Pavet (118,118) 16Pawpaw (106,42) 16Pilatianus (70,158) 16Pilatianus (98,184) 32Pinemont (162,34) 16Poggiodomo (162,242) 32Polkadot (90,198) 48Raimondo (126,46) 16Rannels (114,116) 32Rannels (136,142) 32Redear (126,26) 16Redear (136,254) 64Redspire (230,2) 16Rethymno (42,158) 16Riddings (78,154) 16Rideau (6,102) 48Rollie (226,4) 32Rollie (234,4) 32Romanenko (190,166) 16Root Squared (150,182) 16Rumgally (14,234) 16Sababurg (14,110) 16Sabnock (50,102) 16Saena (18,240) 128Saengseon (168,250) 112Sallow (226,82) 16Sanddalgi (14,98) 16Sanddalgi (194,230) 16Satbyeul (250,6) 16Satoo (126,250) 48Scamp (102,46) 16Scamp (110,46) 16Scamp (22,206) 16Scamp (58,182) 16Scamp (98,34) 16Seefeld (104,252) 64Selenia (182,2) 16Seneca (10,246) 16Seneca (198,66) 16Seneca (254,28) 32Seneca (40,238) 32Seneca (42,250) 16Seneca (94,14) 16Seogyeo (222,26) 16Seonggye (206,30) 16Seopophang (22,188) 32Servo (232,4) 80Servo (92,74) 80Seyanforth (166,146) 16Shantos (94,246) 16Shark (122,64) 32Shark (170,222) 16Shelter (22,90) 16Shikotsu (132,2) 32Shouldice (106,126) 16Sirrakuk (114,250) 16Skutter (198,250) 16Sliderule (104,188) 128Slyme (34,58) 16Sokri (204,4) 80Solbim (10,6) 112Sooseunhwa (26,130) 16Soulgiver (2,174) 16Specter (194,14) 16Specter (198,18) 16St Lion (192,156) 64Star Scythe (74,98) 16Star Scythe (86,106) 128Stepanovych (130,138) 48Stingray (170,170) 16Storgosia (94,90) 16Sunwi Do (102,170) 16Sunwi Do (150,198) 16Sunwi Do (34,128) 32Sunwi Do (38,130) 16Sunwi Do (88,158) 32Sunwi Do (90,162) 16Swain (10,126) 16Taean (248,30) 32Taesot (2,34) 48Tangun (50,102) 16Tarfang (246,230) 16Tarfang (70,60) 32Tarfang (78,34) 16Theretra (60,170) 32Theretra (66,142) 16Theretra (78,130) 16Thunberg (102,254) 16Thunberg (4,158) 32Tigerclaw (34,166) 48Timescape (128,44) 48Tlahuelpuchi (62,226) 16Tlahuelpuchi (94,126) 16Tofalar (142,102) 16Tofalar (156,78) 32Toroge (242,230) 16Toroge (250,226) 16Toshimora (156,124) 48Toshimora (158,118) 16Trellumare (18,90) 16Tridens (58,186) 16Trinovantes (254,254) 16Tsering (178,162) 32Tsering (178,190) 16Tsering (186,94) 16Tumblebrutus (82,2) 16Ungnyo (202,254) 16Uzume (26,250) 16Uzume (42,254) 16Valkyrie (198,6) 16Varsity (30,36) 32Velox (78,186) 16Villeneuve (102,82) 16Volvod (70,138) 112Vyacheslav (86,2) 16Wallaby (30,6) 16Warmouth (194,26) 16Wasp (254,170) 16Weber (122,158) 16Webwinder (126,110) 16Westport (122,250) 16Wunb (158,230) 48Xanthorhoe (14,98) 16Xtoh (150,82) 16Xtoh (158,82) 16Yarna (30,42) 16Yeoseot (134,138) 48Yosu (206,174) 16Yucca (34,70) 16Zakarisz (200,8) 96Zakarisz (202,58) 16Zakarisz (206,54) 16Zap Cannon (42,122) 16Zugspitze (134,100) 80Zugspitze (254,146)
In addition: my land at Koryo 121,16 will be streaming, my parcel in Tyta (245,124,126), Phoenixa has set her parcels on Soju, Solbitgil, Avaron, and Yangpa sims to the stream, Xerses has his at Darkwood 24,95,23, Mauve 180,102,36 & Atlas 108,228,36 and I don't know Rocky's info but since I'm using his stream I know it's playing there too!