I blink and another week or two slips by without me getting the chance to update the blog with the latest happening. Here are some of the highlights:
-- A new service has arisen which caters to SL music performers and fans: Slusic. Two of my CD's worth of music (Tales from the Grid and God doesn't care) are available for streaming. I'm nowhere near getting into the top 10 of songs played, but with your help who knows!... :-)
Click here to go to Niko Donburi's Slusic page
-- After a show on 10/20 I was interviewed by an SLCN reporter(Second Life Cable Network) for a new spot focusing on the SL live music scene. More details to follow...
-- More time in the studio has definitely paid off with not one or two but three new SL songs: "44 Lines About 22 Lindens," "Should I Stay or Should I Log In?" and "Virtual Stranger." While none of them have yet been uploaded for your listening pleasure, I am playing them at my gigs...
-- You can catch my show twice a month at the fine ASD Studios Hollywood sim where I've somehow convinced them to give me a two hour time slot rather than the standard one hour. This not only gives you the listener more time to satisfy your craving for an extra serving of Donburi (hehe nihongo no joudan) but also gives me more time to slow the pace down, add a couple more covers and a lot more originals. Check out the photo above for my latest performance sans hair!