So there I am, three-fourths of the way through my House of Flames gig when someone hijacks my stream! Apparently the in-world vendor I purchased it from sold it to someone else as well. So I'm trying to play a quiet acoustic tune whilst some other guy has decided to DJ deathcore or something. Quite an abrupt sound switch for my listening audience.
I've IMed the stream provider and am awaiting a response--and my money back. After all, my gig was ruined and I lost income I would have normally received PLUS came across looking as a complete noob who doesn't know how to stream a show. Hopefully the stream proprietor will make good so that I don't have to name names and spread word of what happened. Screw ups DO happen and I am willing to live with that, but I want my 4,000 Linden back.
Watch this space for more details....