A letter to all fans of Niko Donburi:
No one ever thought Niko's virtual music career would brought short by foul play. Then again, that's how rock stars become immortal, so it should not have been unexpected. It just wasn't expected to happen so soon. While attending Esch's gallery opening, Niko and his date were attacked by an unknown assailant utilizing some form of technology not seen before in Second Life. Both were killed.
For a long time there were concerns, rumors, that the Lindens were plotting on a way to get rid of their biggest critic next to Prokofy. Every time they would make a change to the grid or SL, a song would soon be produced lampooning them. For a while it was thought that Niko would be permabanned, particularly when word got out that he was in possession of a contraband t-shirt which featured the Second Life hand. Pathfinder had it in for him from the days of SLCC2007 when Niko blackmailed him into giving him a tip whilst busking in the halls and Philip was enraged when Niko demanded money to not play while the television news stations were covering the event.
There were other enemies too, of course. Sim owners at whose venues Niko refused to perform. Crazed fans miffed that he wouldn't play all of their Second Life favorites (you know who you are). But many long time Second Life residents maintain it was the Lindens taking revenge for Niko's revealing SL secrets a certain Linden revealed to him shortly before that Linden was eliminated from the world he helped create....
Niko will be missed by all who loved Second Life, quirks and all. Rather than delete everything here, it has remained as monument for all those past, current and future residents of Second Life who want to smile, laugh or remember an early time. A time when Second Life was something new, something incredible.